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7 Places To Visit in Shanghai

Places To Visit in Shanghai

Looking for places to visit in Shanghai?

As you may already know, Shanghai is a beautiful city in China.

With its stunning skyline, delicious cuisine, and unique culture, Shanghai offers something for everyone. 

So, are you planning your vacation to visit Shangai but have no clue about the tourist spots?

Then, you are reading the write article.

In this guide, we’ll explore seven must-visit places that capture the beauty of this lively city.

Our List of 7 Places to Visit in Shanghai 

1. The Bund

The Bund is like Shanghai’s front porch – it’s where you go to see and be seen.

This stretch along the Huangpu River is lined with old-school buildings from way back when Shanghai was a big trading hub.

But look across the river, and bam! You’ve got a skyline that looks like it’s from the future.

Do you want to see it at its best?

Then, head there during the sunset.

The lights come on, and suddenly, everything starts to glow and spark.

It’s pretty magical. Or if you’re an early bird, go in the morning.

You’ll catch locals doing tai chi, and the morning light makes those old buildings look extra fancy.

If you are wondering what tai chai means, it is an old Chinese exercise that lots of people in China do, especially older folks.

It’s all about moving slowly and smoothly while focusing on your breathing and clearing your mind.

The nice thing about tai chi is that it’s easy on your body.

Anyone can do it, no matter how old or fit they are.

People say it helps with balance, makes you more flexible, and is good for your health overall. 

2. Yu Garden

Ready for a chill spot in the middle of the busy city?

Then the Yu Garden is the place for you.

This place is old – just like the Ming Dynasty – and it’s a perfect example of classic Chinese gardens.

Over there, you’ve got rock formations, ponds, twisty paths, and cute little buildings all over the place.

It feels like you’ve stepped into a different world.

As you walk around, keep an eye out for the Dragon Wall. This cool rock is known as the Exquisite Jade Rock.

In addition to that, watch out for the building that is known as the Hall of Heralding Spring as well.

They’re all part of what makes Chinese gardens unique.

The Dragon Wall is a famous feature of the Yu Garden in Shanghai.

It’s a long, decorative wall with two dragon heads at the top.

The Hall of Heralding Spring is another important building in Yu Garden.

It’s a peaceful spot where people can sit and enjoy the garden views.

The name comes from the idea that this hall is where you can first feel the season of spring.

Oh, and there’s a market around the garden.

It’s a bit touristy, but it’s fun to walk around.

You can find all sorts of stuff there, from silk things to snacks.

Pro tip: if it is possible, go early to avoid the crowd and enjoy how peaceful the garden is.

3. Shanghai Tower

This spot is fantastic for a specific reason.

Do you want to see Shanghai from way up high? 

Then, check out the Shanghai Tower.

It’s super tall – in fact it is the second tallest building in the world.

This building is pretty cool – it twists as it goes up, all 632 meters of it.

And it’s not just for looks – this design helps it stand up to strong winds and be more eco-friendly.

Are you aware of the best part of the Shanghai Tower?

That is the observation deck on the 118th floor.

On a clear day, you can see forever in every direction.

It really shows you how big and amazing the Shanghai city is.

The Tower has some neat displays that tells you all about how the engineers built the tower along with the Shanghai’s history.

When you’re done up there, take a walk around the Lujiazui area as well.

It is full of other impressive buildings like the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and the Shanghai World Financial Center.

This whole area really shows off Shanghai’s role as a big player in global finance.

4. Tianzifang

Are you ready for the Shanghai’s artsy side?

Then, you must head to Tianzifang.

It is a neat neighbourhood in what used to be the French part of the city.

It used to be just houses, but now it is full of art galleries, attractive shops, and cafes.

The buildings are a mix of Western and Chinese styles, which is pretty unique.

As you walk around the narrow streets, you’ll find all sorts of mini shops where you can buy souvenirs for your loved ones.

They sell everything from handmade jewellery with a combination of their tradition.

There are also lots of art studios where you can watch artists working or buy some portraits.

Tianzifang shows how Shanghai can change with the times while still keeping its history.

Take your time here. Grab a coffee at one of the cafes, chat with the artists to know about their ideas and shop owners to get a deep understanding of their culture.

It’s a great place to see a different side of Shanghai, away from all the big buildings and monuments.

5. Nanjing Road

It is not best to visit Shanghai without checking out the Nanjing Road.

It is one of the busiest shopping streets in the world.

This long street is easy to walk and has all kinds of stores, including old traditional ones, big modern malls, and famous international brands.

But it’s not just about shopping. Nanjing Road is where you can feel the energy of people who are in Shanghai.

At night, this area gets lively.

There are bright neon signs everywhere and street performers doing their thing as for your own entertainment.

Guess what? If you are a foodie, then you’re in for a treat.

There are tons of street food to try, from classic soup dumplings to some pretty amazing local dishes.

However, if you need a break from the crowd, just duck down one of the side streets.

By doing so, you might find a hidden local restaurant or a quieter shop.

Even if you’re not into shopping, take a walk down Nanjing Road in the evening.

Because it’s a great way to get a feel for the modern Shanghai city.

6. Shanghai Museum

If you want to learn more about Chinese history and culture, you’ve got to visit the Shanghai Museum.

It has got one of the best collections of ancient Chinese art in the world.

The building itself is pretty cool – it looks like an old bronze cooking pot.

Inside, there are different floors for different types of Chinese art.

You’ll see amazing old bronze pieces, beautiful porcelain, and lots of calligraphy and paintings from way back.

It’s like a journey through China’s long history.

To get the most out of your visit, think about getting an audio guide or joining a tour.

It can get much busy, especially on weekends, so try to go early or on a weekday if you can.

Give yourself a few hours to see everything properly.

Oh, and don’t forget to check out the gift shop – they’ve got some great copies of the art and books about Chinese art and history.

7. Zhujiajiao Water Town

Want a break from the big city?

If so, take a day trip to Zhujiajiao Water Town.

It’s about an hour’s drive from central Shanghai, and it feels like stepping back in time.

This old town has buildings from hundreds of years ago and lots of pretty canals.

The best way to see Zhujiajiao is by taking a boat ride.

You’ll go under old stone bridges and past houses that are with white walls and black tile roofs.

It really feels like you’re in another time.

The streets are narrow and full of shops which sells local crafts, snacks, and tea.

More than travelling by a vehicle, it’s fun to walk around and explore.

In addition to that, make sure you see the Kezhi Garden – it is a beautiful traditional Chinese garden.

The Yuanjin Buddhist Temple is another good spot to visit for some peace and quiet.

If you are interested in capturing beautiful scenes, then don’t miss the Fangsheng Bridge – it’s the biggest stone bridge in Shanghai and a great place to take photos.


Shanghai is a fantastic mix of different things to explore.

You’ve got the old-style grandeur of the Bund, the peaceful Yu Garden, the super-modern Shanghai Tower, the artsy streets of Tianzifang and many more.

Each place shows you a different side of this incredible city.

These seven spots are a great start, but there’s so much more to see in Shanghai.

So, feel free to explore beyond these places.

Talk to locals, find your own favourite spots, and make your own Shanghai adventure.

Whether you’re into history, culture, high-tech stuff, or just exploring the vibe of a big, exciting city, Shanghai has something for you.

It’s the place that’ll make you want to return for more.

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