Travelco Holidays

Chong Khneas Floating Village: Travel Guide

Chong Khneas Floating Village

Imagine a whole village floating on a big lake!

That’s exactly what you’ll find here.

This special place is a home to several families who spend their lives on the water.

People over there do their day-to-day activities such as cooking, working and even travelling to the school in a different way!

As in by using a boat!

So, are you interested to know more about this amazing village?

Then, get ready for a fun adventure as you explore this unique village in this article. 

Getting to Chong Khneas Floating Village

Reaching the floating village from Siem Reap is pretty simple.

Visitors can take a tuk-tuk or a private car, which will take around 30-45 minutes, depending on the traffic.

The roads are in good condition, which gives you a comfortable ride. And allows you to enjoy the scenic countryside along the way.

On the other hand, travelers can join an organized tour, which can handle the goods.

For those who prefer more freedom, a bicycle ride to the village can be a great option. Because this gives you the chance to stop and explore the route.

Best Time to Visit Chong Khneas Floating Village

Cambodia has two main seasons – as in wet season and dry season.

The dry months, from October to April, tends to be more pleasant and makes it easy for travellers to explore the village.

However, this is also the peak tourist season so that the village may be more crowded. And accommodation/activities could be more expensive.

Nevertheless, the wet season, from May to October, has the risk of sudden showers that could impact your plans.

Therefore, remember that visitors like you should consider each season’s potential pros and cons when planning the trip.

Nearby Attractions

While in the Siem Reap area, Chong Khneas Floating Village visitors can also explore other cultural and historical locations, such as the famous Angkor Wat, the Angkor National Museum, and the Bayon Temple.

These provide a more thorough experience of Cambodia’s rich history by addressing the unique perspective of the floating village.

Exploring the Floating Village

When you step onto the floating docks of Chong Khneas, you’ll be blown away by how unique and cool the whole place is.

All the houses, schools, markets, and other buildings are built right on top of the calm waters of the Tonle Sap.

It is a remarkable and visually stunning place.

The best way to explore this fantastic place is by a boat, so you can really put yourself into the lifestyle of a village person who is living at the Chong Khneas Floating Village.

You will see the lively floating markets where locals sell their fresh vegetables, fruits, etc., and handmade crafts.

You can even visit the floating schools, hospitals, and other community spaces, which shows how creative and amazing the people here are.

Cultural Aspect

Getting to know the local community is a big part of the Chong Khneas experience.

Therefore, take the time to learn about the daily lives and traditions of the villagers who live in the floating village.

They’ve been adapting to the ever-changing water levels of the Tonle Sap for centuries, which is pretty impressive.

You will have plenty of opportunities to make a connection with the locals to learn about their fishing and farming techniques, and gain a deeper guidance of the balance between those people and their environment.

What to Expect

When you visit the Chong Khneas Floating Village, remember that Cambodia’s weather can be hot and humid, especially during the dry season as mentioned before.

Make sure to wear lightweight, breathable clothes and pack your bag with a sun protection cream.

It is true that you will find some essential facilities in the floating village, but it’s important to take care of ourselves, because living on the water comes with its own unique challenges.

Tips For You to Follow

Being respectful and eco-friendly costs nothing, so make sure to follow that good habit when exploring this beautiful location.

Be mindful of the environment that you are at.

You don’t need to do much, simply start by avoiding single-use plastics for your day-to-day needs and support any eco-friendly activities whenever you can.

If possible, try to support the local economy by purchasing handmade crafts. Doing so will encourage those people to come up with more unique designs in the future.


Chong Khneas Floating Village is a unique and an immersive cultural experience that you shouldn’t miss if you’re visiting Cambodia.

If you can spare your time to think about the daily routine of people in the Chong Khneas Floating Village, you’ll gain a whole new perspective on humankind and its ability on survival.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter whether you’re fascinated by the uniqueness of the floating markets, peaceful boat tours, or the chance to connect with the locals. Chong Khneas Floating Village is a destination that will leave a lasting impression on you.

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