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Angkor Thom: Travel Guide

Angkor Thom

Angkor Thom is a fascinating ancient city that will take you back in time.

This incredible place has some amazing temples, grand statues, and mysterious ruins that you can see.

Visiting a place like this will definitely give you an ancient experience.

So, get ready to explore one of the world’s wonder as this article gives you the secrets of Angkor Thom.

Location and How to Get There

Angkor Thom is in the northwest part of Cambodia, about 7 kilometers north of Siem Reap, which is a modern town.

It is right next to the famous Angkor Wat temple complex, so it’s easy to visit when you’re checking out the whole Angkor area.

Getting there from Siem Reap is pretty simple.

You’ve got a few options:

  • Tuk-tuks are fun – you can hire them for the whole day.
  • If you want to be comfortable, go for an air-conditioned taxi.
  • Feeling energetic? Then you can rent a bike!

In addition to that, a lot of hotels in Siem Reap have shuttles that go to the Angkor area as well.

If you’re already at Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom is just a short trip to the north.

You can use the same ways to get there in no time.

Architecture and Layout

The whole city is surrounded by this massive wall that is 8 meters high.

It forms a perfect square, with each side stretching out for 3 kilometers.

Around that, there’s a huge moat that’s 100 meters wide.

It looks cool, but it was also there to defend the city.

The city has five big gates: one in each direction (north, south, east, and west) and an extra one that is called as the Victory Gate on the east side.

Right in the middle of Angkor Thom, you’ll find the Bayon.

It is a mind-blowing temple with 216 giant smiling faces carved into it.

The Bayon is the heart of the city, and everything else is laid out around it based on cosmic ideas.

There are plenty of other cool stuff inside the walls too.

You’ve got the Baphuon temple, which is older than a lot of the other buildings.

There is also an area where the royal palace used to be, centered around a place called Phimeanakas.

And don’t forget the Terrace of the Elephants and the Terrace of the Leper King – they’re pretty famous.

All of this shows just how amazing the Khmer people were at building and creating their own art.

What to Wear and Bring

Angkor Thom is a religious place, so you should dress respectfully.

That means covering your shoulders and knees.

Moreover, it would help to have comfy shoes because the ground can be pretty uneven in some places.

Remember to bring a bottle of sunscreen, a hat, and a water bottle as well.

The sun’s heat in Cambodia can be pretty intense.

Suppose you’re visiting during the rainy season between May and October. In that case, you should pack a light raincoat or an umbrella.

Oh, and if you’re into photography, bring extra batteries and memory cards.

Because you are sure to take a ton of pictures in this beutiful place!

Practical Information for Visitors

Angkor Thom is a part of the Angkor Archaeological Park.

Therefore, you need to buy an Angkor Pass to get in. 

You can choose between passes for one day, three days, or seven days.

The price changes depending on how long you want to stay.

The place is open every day from 5:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

That means you can catch both sunrise and sunset if you want to.

If you want to avoid the heat and the crowd, try to go early in the morning or later in the afternoon. However, it is noteworthy to mention that the busy hours can change according to the holidays.

How long you spend there is up to you – some people see everything they want to in half a day, while others take a full day to explore.


Angkor Thom is an impressive location.

It shows just how clever, artistic, and spiritual the Khmer Empire was.

When you walk through the ancient gates and look up at those big stone faces on the Bayon, it’s like stepping back in time.

You can almost imagine what it was like when kings ruled the area.

Angkor Thom will be a worthy trip for you.

You’ll be thinking about it long after you’ve gone home.

Because it’s an adventure that you won’t regret!

Contact Travelco to book Cambodia tour packages from Sri Lanka.

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