Travelco Holidays

6 Places To Visit in Cambodia

Here are 6 places to visit in Cambodia for a memorable trip.

Cambodia, a southeast Asian country, is popular among tourists for its rich culture. It has a long history and the nation has preserved its varied heritage since ancient times. From ancient temples to bustling cities, Cambodia offers a wide range of experiences to travelers.

This article focuses on six such places that can make any tourist understand Cambodia to its core. We have covered every type of destination that will help you explore Cambodia in the best manner.

Angkor Wat

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Angkor Wat is one of the most popular places in the world. It is considered as the crown jewel of Cambodia and is a testament to Khmer Empire’s grandeur. It is believed that it was originally constructed as a Hindu Temple of Lord Vishnu but eventually transformed into a Buddhist temple.

Angkor Wat was built way back in the 12th century. It is spread over 162 hectares and is famous for its towers, courtyards, and intricate designs. The central tower of this temple symbolizes Mount Meru. The mount is considered the centre of the universe in Hindu mythology.

You must visit the Angkor Archaeological Park and Bayon, which are popular for their enigmatic stone faces. The massive tree roots at Ta Prohm are intertwined with the temple ruins and are a popular tourist attraction.

Make sure you visit the Angkor Wat temples either during the sunrise or during the sunset. The silhouttes of the temple give you amazing visuals.

Siem Reap

Siem Reap is actually the gateway to Angkor Wat. It is a busy town that has all the amenities for its tourists. It is a blend of modern amenities and traditional cultural elements, representing Cambodia. Siem Reap has many markets where you can buy authentic Cambodian items, try Cambodian food at the restaurants, and enjoy the vibrant nightlife.

Phsar Chas is the old market here. This is the best place to experience the local culture. You can explore street food and handicrafts. Another popular market is the Angkor Night Market. The variety of stalls here offer souvenirs, clothes, and local dishes.

Want to visit the heart of Siem Reap? Make your way to Pub Street. As the name suggests, the street is full of bars and restaurants. You can experience the nightlife here in the best way possible. If you enjoy socializing, then you will surely have fun here.

Be a part of the Cambodian Cultural Village to immerse yourself in the local culture. It showcases the traditions and lifestyles of various ethnic groups living in Cambodia.

Phnom Penh

You definitely should visit the capital city of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. This is another city that is a metropolis but seamlessly blends historical landmarks into its modern vicinity. Phnom Penh is situated at the confluence of the rivers Mekong and Tonle Sap. Thus, the riverfront views are amazing here.

Here, you must visit the Royal palace. It belongs to the Khmer Dynasty. It is home to Silver Pagoda, which has 5,000 tiles made of silver. It also has a Buddha Statue of Emerald and diamonds. Nearby, there is a museum that has a huge collection of Khmer art and artifacts. This museum is a great place to learn about the history of Cambodia.

Like most countries, Cambodia has also witnessed dark days. Sites like the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek are examples. These sites speak of the Khmer Rouge rule. It will only help you gain more insights about the history of this nation.

Spend your evening by the riverside. This is a perfect place for a stroll or a boat ride. There are a number of cafes and restaurants that offer local as well as international cuisine.


After spending time in bustling locations, let us take you to a calmer one. Kampot is a riverside town in southern Cambodia. It is a great place to enjoy the scenic beauty and relax in nature. The pepper here is one of the finest qualities in the world. You can book a tour to learn about pepper plantations.

The Bokor National Park is another beautiful place in Kampot. It has abandoned French Colonial buildings like the Bokor Hill Station. You will get to see diverse wildlife and landscapes in this national park.

If you enjoy water sports, make your way to the Kampot River. You can try kayaking, paddleboarding, and boat cruises here.


Your next destination is going to be a small coastal town famous for its seafood and beaches. Kep offers an amazing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. During the French Colonial Era, Kep was a resort town. It still has the villas that showcase its charm.

For those who enjoy hiking or love spotting wildlife, Kep National Park must be on their list. It has wonderful scenic points that overlook the coastline and nearby islands. You can see a wide range of flora and fauna here.

Kep has a famous crab market where freshly caught seafood is available. The signature dish of this town is kampot pepper crab. Make sure you try this one if you eat seafood.


When in Cambodia, you cannot miss watching Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mekong River at Kratie. It is one of the few places in the world where you can spot these rare species. You can visit here during the dry season, from December to May. This is the best time to spot the dolphins.

Koh Trong Island is a peaceful place to enjoy Cambodian life with traditional houses, orchards, and cycling paths. Kratie has many ancient temples, like Wat Rokar Kandal and Phnom Sombok. The silence and natural beauty of this town make it a great destination to visit in Cambodia.


What do you think about these 6 places to visit in cambodia? This nation is a beautiful blend of history, culture, nature, and modern lifestyle. Use this blog as a guide for your trip to Cambodia.

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